As moms, the emails don't stop. Sports, school, appointments, coupons, and's a constant barrage. And if you don't have a system to manage your inbox, those notifications just keep piling up.

Having an overflowing or unorganized inbox is like having a cluttered home- you can’t find what you need, important things get lost, time is wasted searching for what is needed, and figuring out where to start to make it better can feel totally overwhelming.
Wouldn't it be amazing if you knew what to do with every email that came into your inbox?
Erica had over 3,000 emails in her inbox and could feel her blood pressure rise every time she opened her inbox. She knew there were important things in there that she needed to deal with, but finding and prioritizing them felt like a huge mountain to climb. She dealt with the stress by ignoring the pile up, scanning for emails that caught her eye, and hoping for the best- but to the detriment of her business and personal life, not to mention her mental health. Can you relate?

But there was a solution!
Erica learned the No Stress Inbox Management System, and within a week she knew where every email was and was able to easily prioritize the ones that needed her response. Instead of panic, she now felt in control and empowered. And now this solution is available to you, too!
Have you ever....
Missed it
...missed a deadline because you didn't see the email in time?
...been embarrassed because you forgot to reply to someone in time?
...checked your email and walked away because you didn’t want to deal with it?
the No STress Inbox Management Course!

The Easy Way to Streamline Your Inbox!
What others are saying...
By the end of this course you will have...
- Gained a working knowledge of Inbox Zero and why it matters
- Know the difference between the three types of emails
- Cleared out your inbox to zero or close to it
- Created your unique process to triage incoming emails
- Formed a doable plan to maintain a no-stress email inbox!
Get the No Stress Inbox Management Course
Start streamlining your inbox today!
Hi, I'm Stephanie!
I am a Jesus-loving, introverted, somewhat crunchy, and highly practical homeschooling mom. I am married to my wonderful husband, Jacob, and we are parents to a 8 year old future CEO and a 5 year old ninja.
Creating order out of chaos is my jam and I am passionate about streamlining your mom life! I view #momlife as basically running a small business, and my goal at Mama Shark is to be your efficiency engineer to help you save money, gain time, and reduce your stress!

More great things from Mama Shark!

No Stress Inbox Management
Streamline your inbox, cut out the digital clutter, and set you up with a system to maintain your emails efficiently and easily so you can quit wasting time and stress on a messy inbox!

Organize Your Mom Life with Trello
Assess, digitize, and automate much of your mental load with this quick and easy course on using Trello Boards to organize your mom life!

Time Management Strategies for Moms
Time Management Strategies for Moms is an easy-to-follow online course that examines what it takes to be productive without being crazy busy.

Design Your Homeschool
Create Your Homeschool with Trello: an Easy Way to DIY Your Curriculum and Planning

Entrepreneurship 101 for Teens: Create Your Career in 8 Weeks!
Do you have a teen with a big idea and no clue where to start?
If you make money doing what you love, you will never work a day in your life. So how can you help your teen turn their passion into a paycheck?

Master Your Menu | 7 Step Meal Planning Blueprint
Unlike what you’ll find on so many sites, this course doesn’t tell you WHAT to eat- it teaches you HOW to create your own menu using a simple, easy-to-learn method.
Allow me to walk you through this strategy for planning your family’s weekly meals in just a few minutes a week.

Personal Finance 101 for Teens: Money Management for Young Adults
Personal Finance 101 is a 6 week self-paced course designed to teach financial literacy and skills for older teens and young adults.
Students will finish this course with a knowledge of how to set up and manage a zero-based budget and plan for various types of savings goals. You will also gain an awareness of how budgeting works in real life and a basic understanding of banking, credit, and payment options.