Finally, a Time Management Course Designed Just for Moms!
Let’s be real.
Most time management and productivity strategies out there may work great for the guys out there in the work place doing their jobs from 9-5.
But we’re moms- we’ve got cycles and kids and jobs both in and outside of our homes- and we’re juggling far more plates with far more interruptions and pivots and curve balls than a non-mom.
So what about us? Is there hope to manage our time, or are we doomed to mental mountains and endlessly overwhelming to do lists?

Introducing the Time Management Strategies for Moms course.

I know I’m not alone in feeling like there are never enough hours in a day. Figuring out how to juggle everything handed to us as moms is an immense challenge. Most of us either spend our time desperately trying to cram in more than is truly possible, throwing our hands up and letting life be chaos, or vacillating between the two.
Time Management Strategies for Moms is an easy-to-follow online course that examines what it takes to be productive without being crazy busy- and takes into account real mom life. With straightforward practicality presented in bite-sized pieces, Time Management Strategies for Moms will teach you how to easily form habits, routines, systems, and boundaries that will strengthen your home and give you back time and sanity.
By the end of this course, you will have:
- Determined your personal values and family values
- Assessed your true mental load
- Gained an easy tool for quick prioritization
- Figured out where your personal pain points are
- Developed a tool to manage your routine tasks
- Purged unnecessary time consumers
- Automated your mundane tasks
- Created a maintainable system to save you time
- Made practical adaptations to increase your productivity
- And more!

Enroll now to take back your time!
I'm Stephanie, the Creator and Curator at Mama Shark.
I am a Jesus-loving, introverted, somewhat crunchy, and highly practical homeschooling mom. I am married to my wonderful husband, Jacob, and we are parents to a two crazy and awesome kiddos.
Creating order out of chaos is my jam and I am passionate about streamlining your mom life! Mom life is basically running a small business, and my goal at Mama Shark is to be your efficiency engineer to help you save money, gain time, and reduce your stress!